Friday, October 23, 2009

An Everyday Meal

I literally eat this dish, or some variation of it, almost every day.

Here's what I made today. It takes just minutes on the stove top and it keeps me full for most of the day. It might not be Gourmet, but it kind of reminds me of a Rachel Ray type of meal, and it's pretty healthy. It's a miracle, but I never tire of eating this, probably because I make a lot of different variations of it. Change the vegetables, the spices, the herbs, or substitute eggs in place of beef...

red bell pepper
garlic (sometimes I add ginger too)
cilantro (I like to use a lot of different herbs. Parsley's a favorite too)
extra lean ground beef (sometimes I use eggs instead)
spices (I always vary the spices. Today I used coriander seed powder, salt, pepper)


Fran said...

Good idea. I never know what to make for lunch. I'm gonna try this.