You know you're a foodie when _______________.
My obsession with food is embarrassingly obvious when you see the latest books I have devoured...
Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential and Medium Raw

Host of the famous and infamous food and travel show No Reservations, Bourdain is a food author whom Brad and I love. Brad got me Medium Raw for our trip to Hawaii, and it had me cracking up the whole time. Meanwhile, he was reading Adam Carolla's new book, In Fifty Years We'll All Be Chicks.
Ruth Reichl's Garlic and Sapphires, Tender at the Bone, and Comfort Me With Apples

I especially love Garlic and Sapphires, the first book I read of hers. It's about her secret life as a food critic for the New York Times. All of Ruth's books have recipes scattered in them. I made her "sort of pad thai" noodles, and true to name, they were "sort of like pad thai", but even better. All three books are autobiographies.
Service Included by Phoebe Damrosch

This is a wonderful autobiography that details Phoebe's life as a waitress at Thomas Keller's Per Se. It really makes me want to eat there or at the French Laundry! I can now see why our service at Bouchon was so great.
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