Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Our friends Mike and Michelle gave us some yakbap! According to Mike, it's a Korean celebratory dish made with sweet sticky rice, brown sugar, and other goodies. It is absolutely heavenly. The richness of the coconut milk combined with the nuttiness of the sesame oil makes for a satisfying dessert. The sticky rice is so soft and fluffy, it melts on your tongue.

In Mike and Michelle's version of yakbap above, they included dried cherries from Trader Joes. Here is the recipe from Mike's uncle.


Cook: 5 cups of mochi rice.
Mix in well: 1/4 cup sesame oil while rice is still hot (less if you like)
Add: 12 oz. dark brown sugar (adjust to your taste)
Optional: a) 1 cup coconut milk b) prunes c) pine nuts d) cooked chessnuts
Form: into rectangular pans to 1.5" thick
Bake: 40 min @ 350F (check earlier to make sure the edges don't get hard)

Let cool, then cut with a plastic knife.